
The town of Negash or sometimes referred to as Al Nejash is Africa’s first Muslim settlement. During the prophet Mohammed period when the Quraysh Arab Merchant chases the prophet and his family, the prophet advised his daughter Rukiya and her husband Uthman along with their 12 companions make their journey to Ethiopia. The then king of Ethiopia Sheltered them and awarded them a permanent residence to live in. Lately, the prophet’s daughter along with her companions died and buried in the historical mosque of AlNejash.

What to see?

The beautifully reconstructed mosque of Alnejash is one of the attractions to be watched within the mosque yard. Inside the mosque check the cemetery of the 12 companions of the prophet daughter and Rukiya and her husband’s tombs.

Getting There

Lies 1024 km north of Addis Ababa via Mekele or 1180 km via Gondar.

Daily flights connect Askum to Gondar, Lalibela, and Addis Ababa ( The airport is about 5km east of the town center and most hotels offer a free transfer service.

Tours can be booked with local tour operators in Addis Ababa and the main towns.

Getting Around

Taxis and bajaji (tuc-tucs) are readily available to visit all the tourists sites in and around town. Any hotel or tour operator can arrange more formal transport. Guides are optional but recommended and can be arranged at the Aksum Guides Association next to the ticket office for the central stelae field.


Dozens of hotels are scattered around central Aksum such as Atrons Fantasy Hotel and Spa, Yared Zema International Hotel, Sabean International Hotel, Obelisk Hotel, Brana Hotel, Consolar International Hotel, Yeha Hotel, Armah International Hotel, Ethiopis Hotel, Atse Kaleb Hotel, Nyala Hotel and others, most of them catering to the budget and midrange market. There are also a few upmarket options.