Zoma Museum

Found in Mekanisa district of Addis Ababa and founded by March 2019, The Zoma Museum is the result of exhaustive labor by Meskerem Assegued, an anthropologist and art curator who lived in the US for 17 years before moving back to Ethiopia in the late 1990s, and Elias Sime, an artist well known for relief sculpture, performance art and architecture, and who was recently awarded the Smithsonian’s African Art Award. It’s one of the unique private museums in Addis Ababa with a unique objective. It focuses on the art displayed on the mud walls of few houses. There are houses served as a meeting hall, library, restaurant, etc. This museum is set on 12,000 meters square area. It has a huge garden for people who want to learn about Ethiopian plants. It has also a kid’s playground and restaurant. https://www.zomamuseum.org/