Wonchi Crater Lake

Formed by a volcano erupting in the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era and found 155 km west of Addis Ababa between Ambo and Welliso towns, Wonchi Crater Lake is an ideal weekend retreat spot. The crater which lay 2800 meters above sea level contains a large lake, lush valley, hot mineral springs, waterfalls, beautiful valleys, farmland, and an old monastery with a church is situated on one of the lake islands. Always referred to as a paradise for trekkers, this majestic place gives plenty of options to enjoy. You will relish the downhill trek which is full of varied green trees. Don’t miss indulging in the naturally moderated hot spring. After an hour of trek, a field opens to the shore and a small dock. Take in views of the lakeshore from a peaceful dock, with the chance to hike or ride a mule along the shore, or set out by boat to explore the lake’s small islands. There is a medieval period church called Qiorkos on one of the islands dedicated to the martyr saint Cyricus. The church is only accessible by local/wooden canoe/ boat.